Meet the Contributors
is pro: personifaction, squirrels, crane-necked stargazing, comics, H.G. Wells book reading, Edward Furlong army jackets. Anti: robot overlords, texting-while-walking, apathy.
Raisa is pro: open-minded nonagenarians, leaving the suburbs to enjoy the benefits of living in a vibrant capital city, saving the preface to read at the end, sunscreen, chunky necklaces, being swayed in her strongly-held convictions by good points well argued and most recently the colour turquoise.
Michael is pro: constantly being curious, steaming hot porridge, extra-terrestrial life theories and copious quantities of coffee beans.
Alyssa is (informally) a sucker for bright colours. The sole lover of black licorice. A space cowboy floating through the world-wide-web. (Formally) in her fifth year of humanities/sexuality studies. Bleedin', sweatin' and cryin' building a feminist presence at YorkU. Slaving away for the perfect law school GPA....trying to infiltrate the system from within. Will someday be know as "Your Honour" (if all goes well).
Melanie Wassup! As it stands, I am currently completing my fifth year of women’s studies in preparation for graduate school. I was one of the coordinators of the WSUSC last academic year, and this year am supporting from the sidelines. My politics stem from a radical, poststructuralist, queer lens in our fight for fluidity and inequity. I feel grassroots activism accompanied with a fluid discourse is a key component in dismantling structures of power in our society :)